The Multigenerational Workplace: Bridging the Gap So Everyone Can Thrive [Infographic]

It’s a new era in the workforce as we speed towards 2030 with four powerhouse generations in the mix: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z. Understanding what makes your employees of all ages tick is the key to unlocking a culture where everyone thrives.

Check out this infographic on the multigenerational workforce and pave the way for an inclusive workplace that’s all about motivation and growth.

Get more on the multigenerational workforce in our guide, Destination 2030: 10 Predictions for What’s NEXT in the World of Work.

PeopleScout Named Talent Provider of Year by TIARA Talent Solutions Awards Europe

The global RPO leader was also recognised as the Best Talent Solutions Firm to Work For and Won the Employer Brand Award

LONDON – OCTOBER 16, 2023– PeopleScout has received three honours from the TIARA Talent Solutions Awards Europe. The company was named both Talent Provider of the Year and Best Talent Solutions Firm to Work For as well as the winner of the Employer Brand award.

 “We are delighted to receive this recognition from TIARA Talent Solutions Awards Europe as evidence of our fresh, creative and bold approach to the work we do for our clients,” said PeopleScout Executive Leader and Group Managing Director of EMEA and APAC, Andrew Wilkinson. “This achievement is a testament not only to our innovative approaches to our clients’ challenges, but also our internal focus on enhancing our own employee experience.”

The judges cited PeopleScout’s consistency in developing creative solutions to client challenges and use of strong processes to deliver impressive results as evidence to support their recognition as Talent Provider of the Year. PeopleScout also demonstrated the use of a bold and inventive employer brand strategy, creating what the judges called a “hugely improved presence for the client through clever, lively and diverse creative work.” Finally, the company’s focus on their people, including processes to provide support, education and training for their employees, was apparent to the judges, earning PeopleScout the distinction of Best Talent Solutions Firm to Work For.

The TIARA Talent Solutions Awards Europe are open to all HR and employer teams who operate within Europe and set the standard for excellence, innovation and achievement, enabling employers to showcase the incredible work they do in talent acquisition.

All award entries are reviewed throughout a three-stage judging process to ensure credibility and enhance prestige for all those recognised. Once an initial shortlist of finalists is identified by TALiNT Partners’ senior team, a second round of review is conducted by a panel of distinguished industry judges before the final judging day where winners are selected across 13 categories.

See the full list of 2023 TIARA Talent Solutions Awards Europe here.

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Taylor Winchell
Senior Manager, External Communications

3 Strategies for Solving Hospitality Recruitment Challenges with Technology

Amongst travel and hospitality recruitment challenges is a clear and persistent issue: staffing shortages. Talent leaders are struggling to fill empty roles amid low unemployment rates.

According to a 2023 survey by Deloitte, more than half of hotel executives (53%) say their properties have between 25–74% of the workforce they had in 2019. The situation at airports is even tighter with 62% of executives saying their workforce is half its prepandemic size or smaller.

On top of this, the unemployment rate sits at 3.8% in the U.S., 4.3% in the UK and 3.7% in Australia. The travel industry also saw a massive exodus of workers. In 2022, there were record quit rates during the Great Resignation, with the quit rate in leisure and hospitality jumping by a percentage point to 6.4%. So, how can talent leaders hire hospitality and travel workers when the available pool is smaller?

Luckily, the right technology solutions deployed at the right times during the recruitment process can help talent leaders source, attract and screen candidates to find the best talent more efficiently and effectively. In this article, we’ll cover three technology interventions that talent acquisition teams can put into place to tackle hospitality recruitment challenges.

Hospitality Recruitment Challenge No. 1: Our open positions receive few applicants, and many of those who do apply do not have the background or experience needed to succeed in the role.

Solution No. 1: Invest in artificial intelligence sourcing technology to fill the top of your funnel.

Amongst common hospitality recruitment challenges that we see is finding talent with a wide variety of specialised skills across diverse and distant geographies. There is no one-size-fits all approach to hiring travel and hospitality talent. Finding a chef for a luxury property in Lake Como, Italy will look very different from a search for housekeeping staff at a family resort in Orlando, Florida. Finding a flight attendant looks very different from filling a baggage handler role.

With such a tight talent market, employers must target passive talent. During the Great Rehire talent leaders focused on filling roles as quickly as possible, but now they need to focus on finding and hiring more experienced workers.

An AI-enabled candidate sourcing tool can identify passive candidates with the right experience for specific roles and can even identify which candidates would be most likely to leave their current employers. Within seconds, recruiters can build a list of these candidates and share the opportunity. PeopleScout’s talent acquisition suite, AffinixTM, includes the AI sourcing feature, Talent Finder, which can connect employers with millions of passive candidates.

Consider the following best practices for using an AI sourcing tool:

  • Before searching for candidates, make sure you have a thorough understanding of the technical and soft skills needed to be successful in the role.
  • Use features, like PeopleScout’s Diversity Boost, that can identify candidates from underrepresented backgrounds to help meet your DE&I goals.
  • Blend AI with the human touch. By having a recruiter reach out to a sourced candidate with a personalised message, employers can create a positive experience.
  • Make sure a human makes all final hiring decisions. AI can make the process more efficient, but hiring managers should make the final call.

Hospitality Recruitment Challenge No. 2: Candidates drop out of our process before reaching the offer stage, either by abandoning the application or ghosting the interview.

Solution No. 2: Improve the candidate experience by making the process quick and easy by embracing tools like SMS or virtual interviews.

Hospitality employers must ensure that their candidate experience sets them apart from other employers at every stage of the candidate journey. For candidates, how they’re treated during the hiring process is a preview of what their experience will be as an employee.

PeopleScout research shows that the hospitality industry has a lot of room for improvement in this area. In our analysis of the candidate experience of more than 215 different organisations, the hospitality sector came in last overall with the lowest average scores in every stage except Follow-Up (in which it was second to last). While hospitality organisations effectively showcased their diversity and inclusion efforts on their career sites, only half gave candidates the opportunity to register their interest.

Your candidate experience should be unique to your brand and help you distinguish yourself from other employers hiring for similar roles or skills. Many talent acquisition teams don’t appreciate that candidates don’t perceive the recruitment process as a funnel. They’re the main character in their own story, and they expect to be treated that way. Candidates want to engage in their job search on their own terms. So, anytime they encounter a roadblock to getting the information they want, especially if they don’t know what to expect in the next stage, they’re more likely to drop out of your process.

There are several ways to leverage  technology to make the process easier for candidates. First, start with a shortened application. According to PeopleScout research, nearly 40% of organisations asked candidates to duplicate information that was already contained in their resume or CV. Make sure your application only collects the information that is most critical for determining who moves along to the next step of the process.

From there, other technology solutions can be used to gather the additional information necessary to make a hiring decision. SMS can be used for an initial text screening, and virtual interviews, like those available in Affinix, allow candidates to answer additional questions at their own pace while feeling as though they’re driving the process.

Finally, automated communication can keep a candidate engaged in the process. The right technology platform can help by sending automated messages to candidates, via email or chatbot technology, updating them on their application status. You can even craft messages letting a candidate know if they did not get the job, so they aren’t left wondering if you ghosted them.

Consider the following best practices for using technology to improve your candidate experience:

  • Make sure your application is mobile-friendly and can be filled out in 10 minutes or less. Test your current application to see how long it takes to apply.
  • Provide candidates with the opportunity to opt-in to receive text messages or emails from your organisation to remain in compliance with local spam laws.
  • Tailor the type of virtual interview to the type of role. While video interviews may be appropriate for customer-facing roles, others may prefer the opportunity to answer questions with recorded audio.
  • Make it simple for candidates to understand where they are in your process; this can be something as simple as a progress bar.

Hospitality Recruitment Challenge No. 3: Our assessment process isn’t effective at identifying the candidates most likely to succeed in the role, leading to increased turnover, reduced productivity and disengaged employees.

Solution No. 3: Assess candidates for passion, purpose and mindset.

The travel and hospitality industry is all about guest experience, and hotels, airlines, restaurants and theme parks differentiate themselves with the unique experience that they provide. So, talent leaders need to find candidates who not only have the right skills and experience but also a deep understanding of the brand and how it is reflected in the service provided.

For example, in a major city, you may find three hotels on the same street, one catering to a high-end luxury experience in a historic building, another geared toward young travellers with bold art and hit music playing in the lobby, and a third designed with business travellers in mind—with a large business centre, meeting rooms and plenty of quiet spaces for someone to plug in their laptop. Many hotel brands even have this variety of styles within their own portfolios. The service provided in each hotel looks different, and a person who excels at a luxury property may not thrive in a trendy hotel.

By selecting the right assessment tool, employers can go beyond looking at just capability, behaviour and results but also determine whether candidates align with their organisation’s purpose, have passion for the work they would do and whether they have the mindset to adapt to new environments.

By building an assessment during pre-screening that accounts for passion, purpose and mindset in addition to the standard skills and experience, employers can use technology to shortlist candidates based on several different attributes at the same time. This way, employers can get a clear picture of the different strengths and weaknesses of candidates in order to make informed decisions about which candidates are best to bring forward to the interview stage.

By identifying candidates who match well with an employer’s brand of guest experience, talent leaders can reduce turnover and build a happier, more engaged team. In turn, that leads to better customer experience and a better bottom line.

Consider the following best practices for building an effective assessment for hospitality talent:

  • Identify the essential behaviours for the role to separate those who will actually be successful from those who simply present well during an interview.
  • Build assessment tools around your organisation’s vision and values so applicants have a chance to form a connection to them from the start.
  • Self-evaluation tools can also be used to help applicants consider their own strengths and whether the role will offer sufficient opportunity to use and demonstrate them.
  • Distinguish between good candidates who meet the criteria and great candidates who will take an organisation further.

Finding the Right Talent Technology for Hospitality

The travel and hospitality industry still faces an uphill climb in returning to or even exceeding their prepandemic staffing levels, but talent leaders have additional and improved tools available to help identify, attract and screen candidates. However, in a full marketplace, finding the right tools can be a challenge. Consider partnering with an RPO with expertise in technology that can help identify the most impactful ways new tools can solve your most pressing hospitality recruitment challenges.

Get more strategies for attracting and hiring hospitality, travel and tourism talent, with our Recruitment Handbook for Travel and Hospitality.

Reinventing Your EVP: The Secret to Hacking Your Productivity and Performance

By Simon Wright, Global Head of Talent Advisory Consulting

CHROs are facing a tough balancing act. Employees want flexibility, purpose and belonging. The C-suite wants innovation, productivity and profit. How can you satisfy both without compromising? The answer lies in evolving your employee value proposition (EVP) into a dynamic, human-centric personal value proposition (PVP).

I know, I know, your EVP seemed pretty solid just a few years ago. But let’s face it, times have changed. The pandemic shifted mindsets, the Great Resignation shook things up, and workers now expect a whole lot more from employers when it comes to meaningful work, development opportunities, work-life balance and flexibility. Yet despite these changes, many organisations are still relying on the same transactional EVPs focused on compensation and benefits, leading to low engagement levels and high turnover.

This article delves into the profound changes happening in our workplaces, the shift in employee expectations and how a more human-centric approach to your EVP can help you keep up.

The Productivity Vacuum

One-third of new hires begin looking for a new job within the first six months. It takes approximately eight months for an employee to reach their full productivity. So, if a third of employees leave their job before they’ve become fully productive, organisations experience a productivity vacuum that not only disrupts continuity and knowledge transfer but impedes innovation and business performance.

This productivity vacuum is costing the global economy $8.8 trillion (USD) every year, or 9% of global GDP, according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report. To put this into perspective, $8.8 trillion is the combined market capitalisation of the top 10 companies in the world or the third wealthiest country based on GDP.

infographic depicting the impact of the productivity vacuum
(Sources: Gallup | Mercer | Microsoft | Gartner)

The connection between employee retention and productivity—and in turn revenue growth—is a compelling driver for organisations to prioritise engagement and retention efforts. Retaining top talent through a compelling EVP is crucial to mitigate disruption, knowledge loss and financial costs caused by attrition. According to Gartner, companies with a strong EVP can decrease annual employee turnover by 69%. Plus, these organisations are four times more likely to have highly engaged employees and two times more likely to have high performers.

Your EVP captures the essence of your uniqueness as an employer and the give-and-get between your organisation and your employees.

However, today’s employees are demanding more, and the one-size-fits-all EVP approach must evolve to keep up. Rethinking your EVP with a more human-centric approach that recognises employees as people, not just workers, can help achieve the balance between empathy and economics. By focusing on shifting the EVP to a Personal Value Proposition, or PVP—so each employee feels it’s personalised to them—organisations can go beyond traditional offerings and provide exceptional life experiences that match employee needs and deliver a positive emotional connection.

Introducing the Personal Value Proposition (PVP)

Lucky for you, we’re sharing how forward-thinking companies are effectively shifting from a generic EVP to human-centric strategy that shapes the individual employee experience. The Personal Value Proposition (PVP) is a personalized, flexible approach tailored to address employees’ diverse needs and aspirations as unique individuals, not just workers.

Think of the PVP like building your own custom sports car versus buying one off the factory lot. You get to select each component to match your preferences—convertible or hardtop, leather or cloth seats, high-powered V8 or fuel-efficient hybrid engine—tailoring a one-of-a-kind vehicle personalised just for you. Similarly, organisations embracing a PVP approach offer employees personal growth opportunities, flexibility in their work arrangements and customised career paths that align to what motivates them.

The result? A 18% increase in productivity and a 23% increase in profitability, according to Gallup.

Getting More Personal to Boost Productivity

The PVP does not replace the EVP; rather, it evolves it. It’s not just about being an attractive employer. It’s about enabling each individual to realise their full potential, and in doing so, empowering your organisation to thrive in an increasingly competitive and complex landscape. Give your EVP a fresh new flavour that will leave employees smiling and revenue growing. Because keeping your workforce happy and driving performance doesn’t have to be impossible. A PVP makes it possible.

Intrigued to learn more? Get the inside scoop on evolving to a PVP along with stats on the productivity vacuum crisis and the steps for scaling your PVP strategy in our new ebook, The Human Advantage: Redefining EVP to Fuel Organizational Performance.

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The Human Advantage: Redefining EVP to Fuel Organisational Performance

The Human Advantage: Redefining Your EVP to Fuel Organisational Performance

The Human Advantage: Redefining Your EVP to Fuel Organisational Performance

Engaged and empowered employees are the key to unlocking productivity and profitability. Employees now prioritise meaningful work, development opportunities, work-life balance, and a sense of belonging over job security and loyalty.

Complete the form to download our ebook, The Human Advantage: Redefining Your EVP to Fuel Organisational Performance, to learn how evolving your employee value proposition (EVP) to a personal value proposition—what we call a PVP—can help you attract, engage and retain top talent.

This ebook provides data-backed insights on:

  • The cost of disengaged and unsatisfied employees in terms of productivity loss and turnover
  • How emphasising employee well-being and purpose can boost engagement, innovation and performance
  • Shifting from a generic EVP to a tailored Personal Value Proposition (PVP) focused on each individual

Plus, you’ll get actionable steps to implement a human-centric and dynamic PVP strategy.

The Multigenerational Workforce: Has Gen X Been Overlooked in the Workplace?

There’s a new generation moving into leadership roles that’s poised to change how things are done in the workplace. You may not hear as much about them as Baby Boomers or millennials, but Generation X is the silent workhorse that makes up over third of the workforce and over half of managers.  

So, who is Gen X and what exactly are they bringing to the workforce? Grab your flannel shirt, and let’s find out! The last in our series on the multigenerational workforce, this article explores what makes Gen X tick and how they’re stepping up to lead organisations into the future.  

Who are Gen Xers? 

Born between the early 1960s and 1980, this cohort came of age and entered the workforce in the shadow of the larger Baby Boomer generation. Now, as they move into management and leadership roles, Gen X is ready to put their own stamp on workplace culture. 

Growing up as latchkey kids in an era of change, Gen X professionals are more independent and adaptable than previous generations. Gen X entered the workforce during the rise of Silicon Valley and the dot com era, making them comfortable with the pace of technological advancement. For them, adopting new technology feels natural, and they are driving digital transformation across sectors. 

When it comes to the workplace, Gen X values authenticity, work-life balance and professional development. They respond better to flexible schedules that allow for caring for ageing parents and children and prefer managers that empathise with those priorities.  

According to a study by Stanford University, Gen X prefers to work from home 50% of the time, compared to Boomers at 35% and Gen Z at 45%. Make no mistake, Gen Xers are focused on results, they just believe there are many valid ways to achieve success beyond face time at the office.  

Having watched their parents climb the corporate ladder, Xers are focused on carving their own path at their own pace. This cohort is extremely hardworking with an innate sense of independence. If you want something done, hand it off to a Gen Xer and let them run with it. 

Gen Xers don’t pay much attention to rank and hierarchy. They prefer direct communication and are more likely to casually ping you on Slack than set up a formal meeting. But don’t mistake their informal style for a lack of drive. Generation X is extremely entrepreneurial and forge their own career paths rather than expect opportunities handed to them.  

Are Gen X Overlooked at Work? 

Gen X may be overlooked in the workplace due to their easy-going approach. In fact, 79% of Gen X says they’re forgotten in the workplace, overshadowed by younger and older workers. It’s hard to blame them, when Gen Xers are promoted at rates 20% to 30% slower than millennials, despite being strong candidates for leadership roles.  

As employers have paid a lot of attention to nurturing millennial talent in recent years, Gen X has gone underappreciated for their contributions to the workforce. With Gen X leading the Great Resignation as 37% more left their company in early 2022 compared to the year before, employers should concentrate on retaining and engaging this valuable cohort as they enter the second half of their careers.  

Move Over, Boomers: Here Comes Gen X 

As Gen X moves into boardrooms and leadership roles, we are starting to see their impact on workplace culture. Transparency and direct communication are in. Bureaucracy and hierarchy are out. Gone are the days of formal business attire and rigid top-down management. Today’s workplaces are more casual, flexible and egalitarian.  

Gen X leaders prefer to mentor and develop talent rather than micromanage. They lead by example and earn respect by rolling up their sleeves alongside their employees. Gen Xers believe the best way to achieve success is by empowering their team.  

How to Keep Gen Xers Happy in the Workplace 

Here’s how to help your Generation X colleagues gain success at work as they move into leadership positions: 

  • Offer flexibility: Gen Xers appreciate flexibility in their work hours and locations. Consider options like remote work, flexible schedules and job sharing. Plus, autonomy over their time is key. Don’t expect 24/7 availability from Gen X employees. They value their personal responsibilities outside of work and crave work-life balance. 
  • Provide opportunities for career development: Gen X is highly self-sufficient but still values feeling appreciated. Provide both informal and formal recognition—including promotions and leadership opportunities. Invest in professional training, mentoring programs and clear paths for career progression. 
  • Limit bureaucracy: Gen X resists rigid corporate structures and prefers collaborating in relaxed settings. Eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy that can hamper productivity and innovation. Empower Gen Xers to accomplish tasks independently. Provide opportunities to work on new initiatives and pilot programs. 

The Future of Work with Gen X at the Helm 

While perhaps overlooked when sandwiched between two larger generations, they bring a perfect blend of independence and adaptability to evolve workplace culture for the better. Talent leaders should take notice of Gen X’s entrepreneurial spirit and prioritisation of work-life balance and career progression.  

The skateboards may be gone, but Generation X is still the same pragmatic, diverse and ambitious cohort. Only now they are grown up and calling the shots.  

Read the rest of our Multigenerational Workforce series: 

The Synergy of Workforce Planning and HR Analytics

Strategic HR management has become a crucial aspect of organisational success. Hence, HR analytics and workforce planning have significantly influenced the rapidly evolving recruitment industry in the past few years. These approaches provide insights and tools that help organisations optimise workforce solutions, shape decision-making processes and drive the overall growth of the business.

This article delves into the complexity of HR analytics and workforce planning, the benefits and risks as well as real-world workforce planning examples and HR analytics applications.

What are Workforce Planning and HR Analytics?

Workforce planning is a methodical process that organisations implement to ensure they have the right mix of talent with the appropriate skills to meet current and future business objectives. It involves forecasting future workforce needs, identifying gaps in skills and competencies, as well as designing strategies to address those gaps. Workforce planning aims to align the company’s strategic goals with its human resources.

On the other hand, HR analytics involves the use of data analytics to provide organisational leaders with actionable insights on recruitment, performance management, employee engagement and more. It helps organisations to gain a deeper understanding of workforce dynamics, identify trends and predict future outcomes. Leveraging HR analytics tools can aid Human Resource professionals in developing better, well-informed strategies that boost the overall employee experience and contribute to the company’s future success.

Although workforce planning and HR analytics share a common goal of enhancing human resources management, these approaches provide varying degrees of information.

Workforce planning tends to focus on the macro-level view, addressing questions like:

  • What are the hiring needs for the upcoming quarter?
  • What kind of skills will be crucial in overcoming current growth challenges?
  • Are there skills gaps in our teams?

On the contrary, HR analytics delves into micro-level insights:

  • Are there specific patterns in employee engagement and productivity?
  • What are the factors causing high turnover in a particular department?
  • What is the most common reason for high performers to resign?

Whilst workforce planning takes a more strategic approach, HR analytics contextualises information to support data-driven decision-making. Leveraging workforce planning and HR analytics together helps promote engaged and productive teams.

Benefits of HR Analytics and Workforce Planning

Whilst the benefits of taking a data-forward approach to talent strategy are numerous, here are the top three benefits:

Improved Resource Allocation

Workforce planning aids in allocating resources effectively by ensuring the right people are in the right roles at the right time. HR analytics enhances this process by providing insights into individual and team performance.

Strategic Decision-Making

Workforce planning supports long-term goals, while HR analytics facilitates swift decision-making for immediate concerns.

Proactive Problem Solving

Workforce planning identifies potential gaps and challenges in advance, allowing organisations to take action before issues become critical. HR analytics offers the ability to identify and address emerging employee-related problems promptly.

Real-World Application of Workforce Planning

A financial services organisation engaged PeopleScout and our Talent Mapping solution to unlock their talent segments and provide enhanced workforce planning data that would help streamline the client’s global contact centres into multilingual hubs. Within two weeks, PeopleScout delivered comprehensive insights into:

  • Size and language skills of the customer service workforce in several countries
  • Additional salary expectations for specific language abilities
  • Age, gender, diversity data to aid DE&I efforts
  • Candidate preferences to inform market messages
  • Optimal platforms for recruitment advertising in each area
  • Desired recruitment process for better candidate experience
  • Regional variations based on location-specific data

PeopleScout’s findings were summarised into easily understandable reports for each country. These insights guided the client in assessing locations for their multilingual centres, refining their value proposition, designing talent attraction strategies, and structuring compensation packages. The solution enabled informed decision-making and optimised recruitment efforts.

Real-World Application of HR Analytics

A leading credit reporting company struggled with increased staff turnover, prompting the need for action. The HR department collaborated with the internal specialists who formulated the credit scoring model. Using a similar approach, the team was able to create a predictive employee turnover model. The model provided a risk score for each employee using diverse data sources and alerted managers about the potential turnover risks at various role levels. The model was based on roughly 200 variables that were likely to influence an employee to seek opportunities elsewhere, including aspects like team dynamics, supervisor performance as well as commute length.

The new approach was rolled out globally and has provided valuable insights for decision-making and workforce planning in the longer term. For example, it was evident that turnover in each region was affected by a unique set of factors.

The model’s implementation led to a 3% decrease in attrition over 18 months, translating to a £8 million business saving. The rollout’s success was attributed to leadership endorsement of analytics and a collaborative approach between the analytics and HR teams to ensure action based on predictions and continuous improvement of the model.

Navigating Risks in Talent Analytics

Whilst the use of data insights as part of workforce planning and HR analytics initiatives is appealing, this promising approach comes with potential risks. These challenges include data privacy and data quality risks, interpretational biases as well as data collection pitfalls. Navigating these hurdles is crucial in ensuring that the use of data in building HR strategies is effective and ethical.

Talent analytics relies heavily on employee data, including personal information, which can lead to concerns around data privacy and security. Employers must prioritise data protection and compliance to prevent data breaches.

Low quality data can lead to misleading conclusions and negatively impact decision-making.  Well-designed data collection processes ensure that the records are complete and provide enough information from which to draw conclusions as well as to test hypotheses on multiple data samples.

In the modern business world, the synergy between HR analytics and workforce planning is undeniable. By leveraging them effectively, organisations can stay ahead in dynamic business environments, promoting a culture of adaptability, efficiency, and innovation. By aligning strategic goals with workforce planning and leveraging data-driven insights, employers can navigate the complex HR landscape with confidence and foster business growth.


The Power of Employee Advocacy in Recruitment

By Ayo Ogunde, Strategy Director of Digital Innovation

Employee advocacy is an effective tool for promoting your organisation through your employees. It also serves as a great way to boost your employer brand and attract candidates who want to hear from employees directly, giving the inside scoop on what it’s like to work for your organisation.  

PeopleScout’s recent research, Inside the Candidate Experience, found that 35% of organisations don’t feature their real employees on their career site. This is a problem since the number one obstacle for candidates in the application process is not knowing what it’s like to work at an organisation. The research also revealed that 86% of candidates value stories from employees and that it helps to influence their job search. In particular, 92% of Baby Boomers said it would influence their choice to join an organisation. One third of women also agree that this is an important deciding factor.

One of the great things about leveraging your employees as brand advocates is that it brings the diversity of your people and culture to the forefront. By its very nature, employee advocacy in recruitment naturally encourages an increase in the team’s sense of belonging.

Getting Started with Employee Advocacy for Your Brand

Employee advocacy in recruitment could be an employee speaking at an industry panel or sharing user generated content (UGC) across social channels. This helps to boost the reach and engagement of your employer brand

We found that a third of employers do not post recruitment content to their social media at least once a week. Yet, two-thirds of candidates research potential employers through social media, so organisations are missing a trick.

Some employees may want to take part but don’t know where to start. To encourage employees, create a unique, engaging employee advocacy programme that rewards participation and engagement.

Incentivise everyone to participate in their own unique ways. Some of your employer brand advocates will excel at content creation, while others will thrive representing your company as a conference speaker or through podcast opportunities, for example. Rewarding participation is a smart way to build momentum, especially when rewards can be redeemed against holidays, events, training, swag or other perks.

A successful employee advocacy programme will include a lead who sets the strategy for content and topics to attract the kinds of talent you need. This also helps you control your organisation’s overall content and brand messaging, while still giving employee advocate enough freedom to showcase their authentic personalities.

Plus, one of the key learnings we’ve found is that bringing your employees into the process early on creates buy-in and boosts personalization which goes a long way on social media.

Benefits of Employee Advocacy in Recruitment

There are many benefits to implementing an employee advocacy programme, for both employees and for the organisation.

  • Empowered Employees: Employees who are empowered to act as advocates often feel a stronger connection to the company. They feel valued and integral to the company’s success, leading to a sense of belonging and increased job satisfaction. This empowerment directly correlates to higher engagement levels and improved retention rates.
  • Organisational Transparency and Trust: Advocacy programmes require a certain level of transparency from the organisation’s side, which, in turn, helps to foster trust between employees and management. Employees who trust their employers are more likely to feel engaged and less likely to leave the organisation.
  • Career Development and Personal Branding: Employee advocacy programmes can play a crucial role in personal branding and career development. As employees share their work and achievements, they are simultaneously enhancing their own professional reputation. This not only benefits the employees but also increases their attachment to the organisation, nurturing a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Boost to Employee Morale: Advocacy can help to create a positive work culture. By encouraging employees to share their experiences and achievements, companies demonstrate that they value their employees’ work and contributions, which boosts morale and productivity.
  •  Improved Internal Communication: Employee advocacy programmes can improve internal communication. As employees become more involved in advocacy, they often become better informed about the company’s goals, products and services. This improved understanding can lead to employees feeling more aligned with the company’s mission and objectives.
  • Increased Brand Awareness: Beginning an employee advocacy programme is a great way to organically increase the organisation’s brand awareness reach. Utilising social media naturally generates opportunities to network, which can therefore drive leads, as the positive content posted by employees will be passively acknowledged by potential clients.
employee advocacy in recruitment

How to Leverage Employee Advocacy for Candidate Attraction

If you’re just starting out with your employee advocacy programme, here are some tips to help you begin.

Use the Voice of Your People…Everywhere!

It’s magic, it’s authentic and it works.

Embrace Storytelling Through Employee Experiences

One of the most effective ways to manage perception and shift views is through authentic storytelling. Showcase real-life employee experiences, achievements and testimonials to highlight the positive aspects of your workplace. You can use a variety of content formats like videos, podcasts, blogs, and social media posts. This approach humanises your brand and makes it easier for potential employees to imagine themselves in your company culture.

Promote Your Thought Leaders

Create and share thought-provoking content on industry trends, company values or insights on your work culture. This can position your brand as a leader and innovator in your industry. Feature your employees as subject matter experts, giving them a platform to share their knowledge and experiences. This not only enhances your company’s credibility but also provides an opportunity for your employees to build their personal brands, boosting their engagement and loyalty.

Try Interactive and Gamified Content to Boost Engagement

Create interactive content that allows potential candidates and current employees to engage directly with your brand. This could include webinars, live Q&A sessions, virtual tours of your workspace, or interactive quizzes about company culture. Gamified content also works well.  for instance, an online game or challenge related to your company’s work, with the winners getting a chance to be featured on your company’s social media. This type of content not only makes your brand more memorable but also gives an insight into your company’s innovative and engaging work culture.

Measure and Keep Improving

Use social listening tools and analytics to monitor the success of your employee advocacy programme for marketing and recruitment and to see how particular pieces of content are performing. This will help you focus your efforts on what’s working and give you valuable insight into what’s important to your talent audiences.

Learn more about harnessing social media the creator economy from an expert panel of talent acquisition professionals in our on-demand recording.

PeopleScout Launches RPO Amplifiers—Modular Talent Solutions to Help Employers Boost their Recruitment Efforts

Curated suite of modular recruitment solutions helps augment recruitment efforts, deliver fast results and drive lasting business impact

LONDON—6 September 2023—Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) leader PeopleScout is proud to announce the launch of RPO Amplifiers, a curated suite of modular recruitment solutions to help employers augment their recruiting teams when and where they need it most. Whether it’s focused support for peak hiring seasons or sourcing hard-to-fill roles, RPO Amplifiers are designed to help organisations meet immediate talent goals and drive lasting business impact.  
“We are committed to meeting our clients’ unique needs with customisable talent solutionsand a full-cycle RPO engagement may not always be the best fit,” said Rick Betori, President of PeopleScout. “The flexibility of RPO Amplifiers allows organisations to scale quickly and augment their existing recruitment efforts, giving them the agility needed to compete in today’s talent landscape.” 
PeopleScout’s suite of RPO Amplifiers includes: 

  • Talent Mapping: PeopleScout experts harness research and analytics to help employers make better workforce planning decisions with insight into talent availability, salary benchmarks and more. 
  • Talent Sourcing: This talent sourcing solution helps employers boost their internal recruitment resources, engage with passive candidates and generate a list of qualified, enthusiastic applicants. 
  • Talent Campaign: Surge Support: This project-based solution leverages the expertise of PeopleScout’s recruitment pros when and where needed, without increasing permanent recruiter headcount. Surge Support is implemented quickly and seamlessly, providing all the benefits of RPO expertise on a short-term basis. 
  • Assessment Transformation: This solution helps employers deploy assessments to make the right hires and enhance the candidate experience, leveraging cutting-edge technology and visionary design. 

RPO Amplifiers offer scalable, agile recruitment support for organisations in all industries, augmenting existing processes with focused support, backed by PeopleScout’s 30+ years of recruitment expertise. RPO Amplifiers can be added as a standalone service or combined with an existing RPO engagement—whether with PeopleScout or another provider—when extra support is needed. 

Learn more about PeopleScout’s RPO Amplifiers here

CSR and ESG: How Markers of Sustainability and Social Responsibility Transform Talent Acquisition

Amid the alphabet soup of corporate jargon, buzzwords, and acronyms, you’ll find CSR and ESG. Respectively, the two stand for corporate social responsibility and Environmental, Social, and Governance. These concepts have been around for years but have been growing in importance. Now, CSR and ESG impact talent acquisition in new ways. As candidates become more knowledgeable and passionate about social responsibility and sustainability practices, employers need to respond. The issue is particularly salient for Gen Z, where 87% say it is important to work at a company that aligns with their values.

Job seekers want to work at organisations with values that match their own, with as many as 80% of workers in some industries saying that ESG issues play a role in whether they will resign from or remain at certain organisations.

So, how do CSR and ESG impact talent acquisition? In this article, we explore their impact and outline strategies to help talent leaders incorporate these concepts into their recruitment strategies.

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

According to the United Nations, corporate social responsibility is “a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders.” CSR focuses on issues including environmental management, eco-efficiency, responsible sourcing, stakeholder engagement, labour standards and working conditions, employee and community relations, social equity, gender balance, human rights, good governance, and anti-corruption measures.

CSR has been growing in importance over the last several decades, according to Harvard Business School, and has led to specific designations like B Corporations (B Corps), social purpose corporations (SPCs), and low-profit limited liability companies (L3Cs). But for many organisations, CSR is simply a self-imposed regulation. Employers can express it through initiatives and strategies and often report back their results through corporate social responsibility reports.  

What is Environmental, Social, and Governance?

According to Gartner, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is “a collection of corporate performance evaluation criteria that assess the robustness of a company’s governance mechanisms and its ability to effectively manage its environmental and social impacts.”

Each pillar of ESG includes different criteria. McKinsey outlines environmental criteria as relating to how much energy a company takes in, how much waste it produces, what resources it requires and how that impacts life around the world. Social criteria address the relationships between an organisation and the institutions and communities where it does business. Finally, governance represents the internal procedures and checks and balances an organisation uses to make decisions and govern itself.

How CSR and ESG Impact Talent Acquisition

Once little-known terms, these markers of corporate responsibility and sustainability now play a role in job seekers’ decision-making.

One survey found that more than half of employees would not work for a company that doesn’t have strong policies addressing social or environmental sustainability issues. Additionally, 74% of employees said their job is more fulfilling when they’re given the chance to make a positive impact on social and environmental issues, and 70% indicated they’d be more loyal to a company in which they can help contribute to solutions.

The changing environment and increasing pace of climate-related disasters plays a role. Compiled data shows that Google searches for sustainable companies have been growing rapidly since 2016, reaching the highest volume yet in 2023, with no signs of slowing down. In that time, a number of environmental events have dominated headlines, from the devastating 2017 floods caused by Hurricane Harvey in the U.S. to the disastrous 2019-2020 Australian bushfires and 2023 Canadian wildfires. Spikes in searches often follow global climate meetings like the United Nations Climate Change Conferences.

Job seekers are paying attention, and employers can only expect that interest to increase. One survey found that 40% of Gen Z and millennial employees have changed jobs or sectors due to climate concerns or plan to in the future. Additionally, 60% of respondents reported feeling anxious about the environment over the past month, and more than 70% said that they are actively trying to minimise their impact on the environment.

3 Approaches for Including CSR and ESG in Your Recruitment Strategy

To stay ahead of the competition, talent leaders should include CSR and ESG in their talent strategies. Below we outline three approaches.

1. Build a Responsible, Sustainable Employer Brand

Your employer brand is your most powerful tool in attracting top talent, and your ESG and CSR initiatives should be featured throughout your branding materials. Think about your efforts to reduce carbon emissions, support local communities or promote diversity and inclusion. You may measure or report on progress of these initiatives for investors, so consider sharing with candidates as well. Even if you haven’t reached your goals yet, being transparent about your progress can demonstrate to candidates that these initiatives are genuine—not just lip service. Share your next steps and the strategies you have in place for reaching these goals.

There are several ways to showcase your progress to candidates:

  • Highlight ESG initiatives in your job descriptions
  • Create an ESG page on your career site
  • Leverage social media to share your progress toward ESG goals
  • Tap into current employees who can share their experiences
  • Train recruiters and hiring managers on ESG initiatives

2. Get Employees Involved

Your social responsibility and sustainability goals should be at the core of your culture. Make your goals and initiatives a regular part of conversation rather than distant promise. This will not only help retain top performers but will also help engage candidates.

You can get your employees involved in reaching your CSR and ESG goals by communicating progress and adding performance targets where appropriate. You can also consider benefits that align with your goals so that employees feel as though your commitment to social responsibility and sustainability are part of your DNA, not just marching orders.

Here are a few strategies you can employ:

  • Communicate updates on ESG initiatives regularly, like in team meetings or all-company updates
  • Encourage leadership to display day-today behaviours that align with goals
  • Add ESG-related performance goals
  • Consider ESG-related benefits, like days off for volunteer work, a cycle-to-work scheme or vouchers for public transit
  • Recognize employees for ESG-related contributions

3. Avoid Greenwashing

As you focus on and promote your social responsibility and sustainability work, avoid falling prey to greenwashing. Greenwashing happens when an organisation spends more time and money showcasing sustainability initiatives than actually performing them. It’s often seen as a marketing gimmick, and consumers and candidates are growing more savvy in recognising it. To maintain a positive reputation and brand perception, ensure that your organisation lives up to the values you’re advertising from the top down.

Here are some tips to avoid greenwashing:

  • Avoid overly flowery language
  • Don’t use dishonest imagery
  • Ensure your business practices reflect your marketing promises
  • Be honest, even if you aren’t perfect
  • Share real data
  • Make concrete claims

A Sustainable Future: CSR and ESG in Talent Acquisition

As we move toward a more sustainable future, your CSR and ESG initiatives are important factors for job candidates. The right RPO partner can help you communicate the environmental work you’re already doing to attract top talent. The desire for sustainable employment isn’t going anywhere, and employers should only expect it to get stronger.  

Check out our predictions for the future of work in our ebook, Destination 2030: 10 Predictions for What’s NEXT in the World of Work.

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DESTINATION 2030: 10 Predictions for What’s NEXT in the World of Work